Watch Enemy At the Gates Online

Enemy At the Gates

Enemy At the Gates

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Date: 2001-03-16
  • Vote: R
  • Temps: 2h 11min
  • Directeur: Jean-Jacques Annaud
  • Production : Paramount Pictures
  • Pays: France, Germany, Ireland, United Kingdom, United States of America

Description :

An all-star cast lights up the screen in this riveting epic set in 1942. As the Nazis cut a deadly swath through Russia, the citizens of Stalingrad are mounting a brave resistance, spurred by the exploits of their local hero, Vassili Zaitsev (Jude Law). An expert sniper, Vassili's deeds have become legendary—thanks to propaganda produced by Vassili's best friend, a political officer named Danilov (Joseph Fiennes). To stop Vassili, the Germans dispatch their best sniper, Major Konig (Ed Harris), to Stalingrad. When Vassili and Danilov both fall in love with a beautiful soldier (Rachel Weisz), Danilov deserts his friend, leaving Vassili to face his German counterpart alone. As the city burns, Vassili and Konig begin a cunning game of cat and mouse, waging a private war for courage, honor and country.
